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Here at Winstons Massage Parlour, we are always looking for attractive, smart and charming women to join our team.
Whether you’re experienced in massages and escorting or you’re looking to pursue a new career, see what Winstons can offer you.

The women here at Winstons are self-employed which means you have the freedom a regular 9-5 just can’t give you!

If you’re

Then working in the UK’s largest massage parlour could be the right profession for you.
To apply, fill in the form and add a photograph of yourself, if you don’t have any professional photos, selfies will be absolutely fine.

We want our clients to feel happy and welcomed and expect the women who work with us to be conversational and accommodating while letting their great personality shine through. Though looks are obviously important, we also need you to be able to make our clients feel comfortable and that Winstons is a place they want to visit again and again.

We expect the women we work with to be discreet and offer discretion in return. Be assured that any information you provide will be completely confidential

Once we’ve received and processed your application, we’ll be in touch so please ensure all of your contact information is correct.

If you fit our criteria and want the freedom that self-employment brings, send an application to Leeds’ premier massage parlour and the largest in the UK.